Trigger Point Therapy

According to research, chronic pain affects more people than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Yet, many people still don't know about trigger point therapy, in other words, a chiropractic technique that can effectively relieve pain.


Trigger point therapy is based on the principle that pain often originates from tight muscles. Chiropractors can release muscle tension and relieve pain by applying pressure to these points. Visit us at Gingell Chiropractic Center in Plymouth, MI, and our professionals will heal your pain with this therapy.

What are Trigger Points?

These are tiny knots that form in muscles when they become too tight. Trigger points can also refer to pain in other parts of the body. For example, a trigger point in the shoulder may cause headaches.

What Is Trigger Point Therapy?

It’s a chiropractic technique that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body. These points are usually located in the muscles and can be pretty tender. The theory behind trigger point therapy is that applying pressure to these points will help release muscle tension and relieve pain.

The Benefits of Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is ideally used to eliminate knots within the back and loosen stiff joints. Yet, there are a few benefits unknown to the untrained eye. Our chiropractor will assist you with any questions about the process. The benefits of trigger point therapy are included below:

Relief from Muscle Pain

One of the most common benefits of trigger point therapy is that it can help relieve muscle pain. If you have tight muscles, they can often cause pain in other areas of the body. Applying pressure to the trigger points can help relax the muscles and reduce pain.

Reduced Tension Headaches

Another common benefit of trigger point therapy is that it can help reduce tension headaches. Tight muscles often cause tension headaches in the neck and shoulders. Applying pressure to the trigger points in these areas can help relieve stress and reduce headaches.

Decreased Stress Levels

Stress can manifest itself in many ways. One of the most common manifestations of anxiety is headaches. In addition, your body tenses up to protect itself from mental or emotional pressure, causing pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, and head. Trigger point therapy can help you relax.

Improved Circulation

Poor circulation can cause pain, numbness, and tingling. In addition, when muscles are tight, it can restrict blood flow and cause congestion. Trigger point therapy helps release muscle tension and improve circulation. Improved circulation leads to improved tissue regeneration and recovery.

Enhanced Range of Motion

If you have ever suffered from a muscle injury, you know how frustrating it can be to regain a full range of motion. Trigger point therapy can help release the tightness in your muscles and improve your range of motion. This therapy is especially beneficial for athletes looking to improve their performance or recover from an injury.

Schedule an Appointment Today for Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is a safe and effective way to relieve pain, improve circulation, and enhance range of motion. Gingell Chiropractic Center in Plymouth, MI, offers trigger point therapy as part of our chiropractic services. Contact us at (734) 453-2447 to schedule an appointment.

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